Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

Report : Month of Ramadan


Month of Ramadan

Alhamdulillahi robbil alamin wabihi nasta’in wa ala umuri dunya wadin wasolatu wassalamu’ala asrofil ambya iwal mursalin wa ala alihi wa sobihi ajma’in ama ba’du . faqod qolallohu ta’ala fil qu’anil Karin au’zu bilahi minassyaiton nirojim bismillahirrohmanirrohim ya ayyuhal ladzina amanu kutiba alaikumus siyamu kama kutiba alallazina min qoblikum la’alakum tattaquna , shodakallahul adzim.  

Ramadan fasting and the Lessons of Ramadan - again we come to the holy month, month and blessed wisdom. But sometimes we don’t realize the wisdom of the month Ramhadan itself, even possible we don’t know the benefits of fasting Ramadan. This may be due to just run this command because you want to tear down the obligation, without the desire to know the secret in romadhan.

Blessing in the month following Ramadan :
First, the smell of a fasting person's mouth, more fragrance in the fragrance oil than the   Allah        SWT
Second, Allah SWT open the door and locked the doors of heaven to hell
Third , Whosoever fasted in Ramadan and then followed by 6 days in the month of Shawwal, the fast is as fast a year "(Hadith Muslim History).
Fourth ,  the devil chained, and others

            So many of my short speech more or less apologize

Wassalamualaikum. Wr.Wb

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